

Once a hobby now a Passion...creating quality handcrafted items

I love sewing. After my mother and I took on making my own duvet cover for my room, since I couldn't find one in my "color" (teal) I was hooked on sewing. Sewing is a hobby of mine and I enjoy it (most of the time...lol)

It always starts with an idea. I had the idea to make baby bibs and burp cloths. So between my mother and I we combined patterns, re-sized them and finally settled on two sizes. From that idea it grew into blankets, car seat covers and more.

We always do our best to make sure that you are getting a quality product from us. There are many times we have taken something apart because it just didn't look, lay or feel right.

Please take the time to look around and let me know if you have any questions. I hope something catches your eye.
